the ethics of using information from genomes at the individual level
The human genome project (PGH) aims to identify all genes responsible for our normal and pathological characteristics. Long-term results will surely revolutionize medicine, especially in the area of prevention. Thousands of genes can be analyzed at the same time, and people will be able to know if they have an increased predisposition to certain diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, or Alzheimer's disease, and treat themselves before symptoms appear.
Alongside these advances, numerous ethical issues are already being discussed and others will arise. These ethical issues are a major challenge to human genome sequencing, and among these issues, the ethics of using genome information at the individual level have been the most challenging.
During Asexual reproduction, in the interior side of Sporangium spores are made by mold and spreading of more mold occurs and Sporangium will be breaking during the time, when the spores are ready for leaving out.
The formation of spores is the asexual reproduction method that occurs in fungi which is a non flowering plant and bacteria. Many number of smaller and tiny spores that are tough, round shaped and microscopic, are produced by parent plants that has the ability to grow into many newer plants in asexual reproduction method only under certain conditions. Multiple number of spores in the sacs of Rhizopus that is called as sporangia. Te structure of these sporangia is like a knob and these are are present at the top of hyphae which is like a thread.
When these sporangia bursts, the spores are scattered by rain, wind or insects and under suitable conditions develop into a new Rhizopus plant, when they fall on a suitable substance like bread. When a break occurs in these sporangia, scattering of these spores occurs and these develop into a new plant under some suitable conditions, when these falls on a substance say for an instance bread.
A cross between a diploid individual and a tetraploid individual produces triploid offspring. There are many species of plants that are triploid, but those come from crosses between two triploid individuals. In those cases, the chromosomes from one parent match up with the chromosomes from the other parent just fine. The same is not true with a cross of a tetraploid and a diploid. In that case, one third of the chromosomes are unmatch, causing many offspring to die, to be sterile, or to be generally unfit. Long story short, the answer you seek is False.
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