The answer is C. The state constitutions before the US constitution made big mistakes. For example, before the US constitution, they created the Articles of confederation. It didn't have an executive branch, so they couldn't enforce/carry out laws. They didn't have a judicial branch, so they couldn't settle disputes between states. Also, they weakened the federal government by not allowing them to control taxes. The state government didn't have anyone to check on them, so they had high taxes. This caused a rebellion. This made government officials realize that they needed a stronger federal government. They then made the constitution
There are many similarities and differences between the economies of chile and Venezuela, but perhaps the most significant would be that the former focussed mostly on agricultural exports.
Zombies have enter the map in warzone!!! ,new mode in cod zombies called outbreak!! new guns,and also new battle pass
The Babylonian Empire was a empire in Europe. The purpose of the laws were to make sure people didn't break the laws.
After the murder of Joseph Smith there was an argument over the succession and the majority of people followed Brighan Young, who was the leader to lead the Mormons to Utah.