The poem "ode to the west wind" Consists of five sections or what we call "cantos". written in Terza rima (an interlocking three-line scheme). Each of the sections consist of four tercets( set or group of three lines of verses that rhyme together).....(ABA,BCB,CDC,DED). And a rhyming couplet (EE) the poem is written in iambic pentameter(a line or verse with five metrical feet).
False. Comedies are funny and people do not take them seriously.
C. Bill raced after the ball and threw it back to Cheryl.
Answer: i do not know the story tellme and and i give answer
Repetition of the word "dividing" creates a frustrated tone and suggests Kennedy is prepared to take action against communists
Dividing is a more negative word and is usually used in speeches when someone wants to take action against something they think needs to be dealt with immediately like MLK and the division between white and black people