The term “sorting” is used to refer to the process of arranging the data in <u>ascending or descending order</u>.
Example: Statistical data collected can be sorted alphabetically or numerically based on the value of the data.
The process of data filtering involves selecting a <u>smaller part of your data set to view or analyze</u>. This is done by using that subset to view or analyze your data set as a whole.
Example: A complete set of data is kept, but only a portion of that set is used in the calculation, so the whole set is not used.
<em>Hope this helps :)</em>
print("——OR——") Input ("Temperature value in degree Celsius:"), celsius 2 = float) Celsius 2 = (Fahrenheit 2 * 9/5) + 32; print the result.
The user's input is taken. Enter the temperature in celsius by typing it into the input box. Fahrenheit is equivalent to (celsius multiplied by 1.8) + 32 print(str(celsius)+ "A degree in Celsius is equal to a " + str(fahrenheit)+ " degree in Fahrenheit. The change from C to F is therefore 100/180, or 5/9. It is 180/100 or 9/5 from F to C. As a result, the conversion yields °F = °C (9/5) + 32. As a result, the equation for changing from the Celsius to Fahrenheit scale becomes °F = °C (9/5) + 32. To convert from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, do the inverse calculation: subtract 30 from the degrees Fahrenheit reading, then multiply the result by two to obtain the degrees Celsius reading.
Learn more about conversion here-
The program is written using PYTHON SCRIPT below;
N=int(input(" Enter number of Rows you want:"))
M=[] # this for storing the matrix
for i in range(N):
l=list(map(int,input("Enter the "+str(i+1)+" Row :").split()))
print("The 2D Matrix is:\n")
for i in range(N):
W=[] # to store the first non zero elemnt index
T=[] # to store that value is positive or negative
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if (M[i][j]==0):
W.append(j) # If the value is non zero append that postion to position list(W)
if(M[i][j]>0): #For checking it is positive or negative
print("The first Non Zero element List [W] : ",end="")
print("Positive or Negative List [T] : ",end="")
In order for the program to determine a set of test cases it takes in input of 2D matrix in an N numbet of rows.
It goes ahead to program and find the column index of the first non-zero value for each row in the matrix A, and also determines if that non-zero value is positive or negative. The If - Else conditions are met accordingly in running the program.
Oh i do i do i do .... but could u retake the pic. it is kinda blurry
This seems more of a statement then a question if theres more id like to help