Virtual memory may provide a reasonably large storage capacity in an affordable cost.
<u>Virtual Memory:</u> the operating systems of all modern computers have virtual memory where a disk is used to transfer the data temporarily from the RAM when physical memory of the computer falls short. Though it is cheap but it does not allow computers to have more memory and frequent swapping even makes the PC slow.
<u>Tiered memory:</u> has the fastest data storage and even has a good storage capacity but is pretty expensive.
<u>Volatile memory:</u> volatile memories have good performance in terms of speed and storage but they still are a little expensive in comparison to non-volatile memory.
<u>Non-volatile memory:</u> they do not provide with large storage capacities.
The answer is entrepreneurial and bureaucratic. Organizations
that are large and small can achieve higher sales and other profit by properly
matching their needs with the structure they use to operate. the structure of an organization can help or
hinder its progress toward accomplishing these goals and This are specific set
up of organizations and ways to accomplish different goals.