Grúas semi pórtico, carretilla pórtico, side lifter, grúas torre, grúas puente, grúas flotantes... y mas
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% the output on mine is to 4 decimals so it looks a bit different than what the output on your example is , but, I think if you change the format to decimal 2 it will look the same :)
your account has enabled profile pictures for your users, you can manage all profile pictures for your account. Profile pictures are public and automatically approved when users upload an image in their settings. Using profile pictures can make it easier to see the users in your account and managing them gives you the ability to keep the pictures appropriate.
If Gravatars are enabled for an institution in account settings, and a user has a Gravatar but chooses not to upload a profile picture, the Gravatar will display for the user's profile picture.
If a student views another student's user details in a course and reports a profile picture as inappropriate, you can review those profile pictures and approve, lock, or delete the picture. In the courses, instructors can remove profile pictures completely from a user's details page.
Roko’s basilisk is a thought experiment proposed in 2010 by the user Roko on the Less Wrong community blog. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence.