The standard punch card (for computers) was invented and developed by Herman Hollerith. But the idea of punch cards was already long invented, used to control Jacquard looms.
Jacquard looms were looms that used punch cards to control the pattern a loom weaves.
The idea of punch cards in Jacquard looms also influenced Charles Babbage, who decided to use punched cards to control the sequence of computations in his proposed analytical engine. Unlike Hollerith's cards of 50 years later, which were handled in decks like playing cards, Babbage's punched cards were to be strung together.
In Java:
import java.util.*;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String isbn;
System.out.print("First 1:2 digits: ");
isbn = input.nextLine();
int chksum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<12;i++){
if((i+1)%2==0){ chksum+= 3 * Character.getNumericValue(isbn.charAt(i)); }
else{ chksum+=Character.getNumericValue(isbn.charAt(i)); } }
System.out.print("The ISBN-13 number is "+isbn+"0");}
System.out.print("The ISBN-13 number is "+isbn+""+chksum); } }
System.out.print("Invalid Input");
} }}
See attachment for explanation where comments are used to explain each line
Web design is awesome! Alright, so -
If you want to call some attention to text, you need to focus on the basic essentials.
You want your text to be brief and split up. If someone goes on your site and see's walls of text, they'll be overwhelmed and leave.
So, to call attention - make it brief, and split it up into nice paragraphs.
Another way to call attention to text is to have a <em>really </em>good colour scheme. Having text easy on the eyes attracts the reader more, and encourages them to dive deeper.
If your text is unattractive and hard to look at it, it'll certainly get their attention - but not the attention you want.
Finally, another way to call attention is with visual adjustments such as making text bold, making it <em>italicised, </em>making it ALL CAPS, <em>or just GOING CRAZY WITH UNNECESSARY TEXT ATTENTION ATTRACTING POWER!!!!!!!
</em>Ahem... Anyways, these are just a few ways to get their attention. =) If you need any other help, private message me because I love web development! =)<em>
Issues can lead reoccuring costomers to not want to come back, resulting in this issue.