- Check to see if it is the part of speech I need for my sentence
- Clarify the meaning of the word
Finding the longest, most academic word, does not mean it suits the sentence. You should check if it fits into the sentence properly. You should also check if it means the same thing, or else the sentence will not make sense.
1. A
Here the statement is simply stating a fact therefore it is asserting whether something is true or not.
2. C
This is asserting an opinion as to whether something should be done or not because it is saying indirectly that one should not take medication without a doctors approval.
3. B
Judges whether using research is a good action so falls under B.
4. C
In saying that this is a necessary action to do, it falls under C which talks about actions that should or should not be done.
5. A
This asserts that Honesty being the best policy is the truth so falls under A.