The three groups that are in the story are the city group, the feudal group, and the pilgrims. Chaucer falls under the feudal group because he spent a lot of his time being a negotiator and diplomat for the government. He has some feudal responsibility since he is supported by the government.
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The two daisy and Tom participate in the tragedy at the end by "retreating" and leaving the damage behind, relying on others to clean up the messes they have made.
- After the death of Gatsby, it all falls on Nick to "telephone news of the catastrophe" to all the villagers in the West Egg and all of the acquaintances of Gatsby.
- Daisy is one of Nick's early calls;he was still sure that she would be interested in her fate but he finds that she and Tom "had gone away early that afternoon, and taken baggage with them.
- In the late October, Nick sees Tom Buchanan in Fifth Avenue by chance. Nick, looked forwarded at what Tom and Daisy did after Gatsby's death
- He refuses to shake hands with him, but Tom behaves as if this looks"crazy."
- Tom says that's not true and his behavior was justified in Tom's eyes.