This pedigree chart tracks the inheritance of a recessive trait that is not sex-linked. Based on the information in the chart, w
hich of the following statements is true? This pedigree chart shows three generations. The individuals are numbered from left to right, starting at the top left of the chart. Squares represent males and circles represent females. If the symbol is gray, that individual exhibits the recessive trait. If the symbol is white, the individual exhibits the dominant trait. On the first row there are two couples mated together. The first couple is made up of individuals #1 (recessive) and #2 (dominant). They have four offspring on the second row that all exhibit dominant traits: #5 (dominant), #6 (dominant), #7 (dominant), and #8 (dominant). The second couple in Generation #1 is made up of individual #3 (dominant) and individual #4 (dominant). They have three offspring in Generation 2: #9 (dominant), #10 (recessive), and #11 (dominant). Individual #8 from the first family and individual #9 from the second family mated together and produced three offspring in Generation 3. These offspring are #12 (recessive), #13 (dominant), and #14 (recessive).
A. Individual #11 must be homozygous for the recessive trait.
B. Individuals #3 and #4 must be heterozygous for the trait.
C. Individual #2 must be heterozygous dominant for the trait.
D. Individual #9 must be homozygous dominant for the trait.