By increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels
Cortisol, corticosterone, and cortisone are the glucocorticoids released by the adrenal cortex and serve to impart resistance to stress. These hormones stimulate protein breakdown (mainly in muscle cells), gluconeogenesis and lipolysis and thereby increase the concentration of amino acids, glucose and fatty acids in blood.
The amino acids are used by cells for synthesis of new proteins or for synthesis of ATP. Glucose is also used by cells to produce ATPs.
Glucocorticorticoids increase the sensitivity of blood vessels for hormones which in turn stimulate their constriction. The vasoconstriction raises blood pressure. The process of vasoconstriction resumes the normal range of blood pressure which is otherwise dropped by some emergency conditions such as injury and severe loss of blood.
Binomial nomenclature is naming a organism by its genus and species the rules are the genus always comes first and the first letter is capitalized and the species always comes second and is lower case so the mountain lion would be Felis concolor
Use process of elimination. From what you gave me to read, you can cross off competition. A drought killed the plants and not competition to live. Go down the list of words and look up the definition. Look at nudation and ecesis later because they are different words that may or may not be challenging to understand. You know what reaction and migration is without looking it up. Once you cross off all words answers that don't match up, ask yourself, which remaining answer goes? Nudation is basically new plants that have successfully started growing after a huge environmental change. Ecesis is sort of similar however, the establishment in a new habitat or environment is not from a big change. Therefore, nudation is the correct answer.
Tropical Rain forest -> Temperate Forest -> Taiga -> Tundra
They saw how smoking effected the body since smoking was pushed as something good for a long time, a lot of people started smoking and after a few years doctors finally saw a difference between a smokers body and a non smokers body