The usual blessing
“In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost, Amen”—followed, then the Lord's Prayer, the whole concluding with the Roman numerals
petition the government.
The right to petition is a part of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which prohibits the government to make any law against the right of the citizens to petition the government to revise the unpopular policies, programs or laws and redress grievances. It is a fundamental law which ensures civil liberties of individuals.
It is the decision of the Supreme Court complex ruling in O'Connor v. Ortega. This case delineated two sectors in the workplace: public and private. Within the private sector, the Supreme Courts stated, "Every warrantless workplace search must be evaluated carefully on its facts. In the public sector, however, as established in the O'Connor case, public agencies may have compelling reasons to search in the workplace.
John Maynard Keynes would most likely support "increasing funds for civic projects to put people to work"
John Maynard Keynes developed the Keynesian economics theory and stated that in times of economic downturns, such as recession, people become afraid and reduce their spending and investment. This leads to a general decrease in economic activities and an increase in unemployment.
According to Keynes, the government should increase its spending and infuse money into the economy, thereby increasing demand among consumers and stimulating economic activities which will lead to more employment.