Answer: It is actively living with its ancestors.
Philip Freneau was an American poet, sea captain and newspaper editor who is sometimes called the "Poet of the American Revolution."
In his poem "The Indian Burying Ground," Freneau compares the burying practice of the Native Americans with that of the Europeans. He says that the Native American people bury their ancestors sitting down, not laying down, because they do not consider death a time for rest but a continuation of activity.
Freneau's poem reinforces the "noble savage" myth that was popular during the eighteenth century.
Figurative language is basically a language a author uses in a text, article, e.t.c to enhance the readers perspective and uses metaphors and other examples of figurative language to go beyond the words in the text. I hope this helps!
I like anime and crackers
1. generic - very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or their characteristics; — opposed to specific.
2. appositive - a noun or pronoun—often with modifiers—set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it.
3. convention - a practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom.
4. interjection - a word or form of speech used to express emotion or feeling, as O! Alas! Haha! Begone! etc.
5. repertoire - the entire range of skills, aptitudes, or devices used in a particular field or occupation
Hope this helps