Right so came an adder out of a little heathbush, and it stung a knight in the foot. … And anon he drew his sword to slay the ad
der, and thought none other harm. And when the host on both parties saw that sword drawn, then they blew beams, trumpets, horns, and shouted grimly. … And King Arthur took his horse and said, “Alas, this unhappy day!” and so rode to his party, and Sir Mordred in like wise. What is the main idea of this passage from Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory?
King Arthur and Sir Mordred are expressing their distrust of each other.
Sir Mordred fatally wounds King Arthur.
King Arthur attempts to slay, or kill, Sir Mordred.
The principle thought of the section is battle between Sir Mordred what's more, King Arthur. They were battling with their swords, with them two injuring one another.
Subsequent to being struck by King Arthur, Sir Mordred sent his sword in favor of King Arthur's head where it penetrated through the helmet and his skull. The ending was of King Arthur blacking out as he was directed to a chapel.
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