The atom? gas? either one of those two would work
Chlorophyll a- violet blue
Chlorophyll b - orange red
Carotenoids- green yellow
The three major plant pigments are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids.
Various pigments are identified by their specific pattern of wavelength absorption in the spectrum of visible light. Chlorophyll a absorbs light in the violet-blue region, while chlorophyll b absorbs orange-red light. Chlorophyll a and b reflects or transmits green light hence they appear green. Carotenoids absorb light in the green - yellow region hence they reflect longer yellow, red, and orange light.
Make/produce and secrete hormones
Planet diameter = 2p × (distance to the planet) × (planet's angular size in degrees)/360°. Planet volume = (p/6) × (planet diameter)3. Density = mass/volume.