Who, Which, When, Whose, That, Where are 6 of your basic relative pronouns
</span>The teacher.
If you are not told otherwise in the writing prompt or
directions for any academic writing you are doing, it is always safe to assume
your audience is your teacher. As such,
writing should always be as formal/professional as possible with the
understanding, too, that your audience should never be considered “all knowing”
because this tends to lead to vague writing in need of elaboration. However, when in doubt, please keep in mind
that if there is ever any question with regard to who your audience should be,
always ask your teacher/professor.
A singular verb would be used with a singular noun (she, Bob, Jane, truck) while a plural verb would be used with a plural noun (they, cars, books).
For example "The truck drives away." Truck being a singular noun and drives being a singular verb.
Another example
"The cars drive away." cars being a plural noun and drive being the plural verb.
In this excerpt, Shakespeare presents the motif of night as a caring, romantic figure.