1. Kalispell State Bank
2. Glacier Boutique
3. Big Sky Sports
4. Kalispell State Bank
5. Big Sky Sports
6. Big Sky Sports
7. None of the above
8. Glacier Boutique
9. None of the above
10. Big Sky Sports
(b) Business transactions refers to the transactions that are related to only business, such as purchase of land, machinery, goods for business purposes. Any type of personal transaction is not included in business transaction.
extensive communication mechanisms.
High-performance teams is a term often used in organizational settings to describes teams that often performed better than other teams and beyond expectation. They are associated with various characteristics amongst others which are:
1. Presence of extensive communication mechanisms
2. Constant collaboration among team members
3. Define objectives and goals
4. Ability to tackle and resolve conflict amicably with speed.
Develop the product / Release the new product.
I was stuck on the same question. When I find out I’ll tell you immediately!!!