The correct option is (a) five factor model.
Further explanation:
The traits openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism are key components of the <u>five factor model</u>. Psychologists believe that these are five dimensions of an individual’s personality. The five factor model is also referred as “Big 5” personality traits.
These five factors represent a range between two extremes, for example, an individual who is high in “openness” traits tends to be more creative and adventurous. The big five personality traits are as follow:
- <u>Openness</u>- An individual who is high in this trait are tend to be curious, creative, adventurous, tries new things and tackle with new challenges while people who are low in this trait are not very imaginative and resist new ideas.
- <u>Conscientiousness</u>- People who are high in this trait are tend to be goal-directed, thoughtful and pays attention to tasks which is assigned to him while people who are low in this trait dislike schedules and structures and fail to complete the task which is assigned to them.
- <u>Extraversion</u>- People who are high in this trait are talkative, excited, assertive and highly expressive. They enjoy meeting new people while people who are low in this trait prefer solitude and don’t start conversations and they dislike being the center of attention.
- <u>Agreeableness</u>- This trait is characterized by kindness, affection, trust, affection and altruism. People are who are high in this trait are tend to be cooperative while people who are low in this trait tend to be manipulative and competitive.
- <u>Neuroticism</u>- This trait is characterized by moodiness, sadness and emotional stability. People who are high in this trait experience anxiety, mood swings, stress while people who are low in this trait are relaxed, rarely feel depressed and are emotionally stable.
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Answer details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Five Factors Model
Keywords: personality, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, expressive, kindness, altruism, anxiety