Maybe compare and contrast online schooling to regular schooling, then lead into the idea that online schooling provides you with many more resources than just a teacher could, plus it allows for a different learning style. Then conclude with your main point and maybe one fact about it
The mental health of many students has fallen downhill.
Students haven't been able to be around their peers so, they are lacking the outside connections and interactions they require to stay mentally healthy. Separation from people who support us more than our own family members can be terrible on the mental health of students struggling to question themselves. Meanwhile, students who are less social, spend more time online with friends, and get along with their family easier and get the support they need might not be struggling as much. Mental health is a very situational topic and varies from student to student.
Madeline swiftly, wanders in a distant hallway
2: Usher sings a melancholy, at the Big Peir.
Demonstrative Speech
The demonstrative discourse is one that shows how a certain situation happened and what was the result, or that shows how a certain element works. This speech can be seen in the text shown in the question above, since the narrator demonstrates what Bod's mission was, how he accomplished it and the result he obtained.