Yes some fishes have long tails that can be a threat which can cause fights.
Research major earthquakes on google, or another website. I would go with question 1, Where is your earthquake? I would do the Haiti earthquake where the earthquake is in Haiti. Do more research on Google, because I cannot provide you with a link to an article because Brainly will not allow me to do so. Just research "major earthquakes" in Google and you will be good to go. Hope this helped!
Which cell structure most resembles the human nervous System?
B. Endomembrane system
i think they are orignally from cold areas so they store water and moisture in there needles. and they stay green year round.
Idk if It depends on the cell but the process is called Asexual reproduction, it basicly means that the cells don't need another partner to make more of them it just kinda forms onto there body till it just falls off