The gilded age was characterized by economic growth but the name “Gilded Age” was given because of how the world impacted the common people. During this period of time in American history, the wealth gap was very severe and the gilded age was only an era that benefited the wealthy with large occurrences of monopolization . Additionally many technological advancements were made like the construction of the transcontinental railroad linking Atlantic to Pacific.
The Catholic Churches would often send missionaries, which would go across boundaries and geographical areas to spread Christianity and sometimes even of proselytizing others.(Proselytism is the act of converting to Christianity.)
Having been surrounded by French and Indian forces, Lieutenant Colonel George Washington and his Virginia militia were forced to surrender on July 3, 1754. Below are the translated terms of that surrender. Capitulation granted by Mons.Explanation:
Many women acted as nurses for the wounded in WWI front lines. Most were not allowed to combat, but they could fill roles in other occupations such as the U.S. Army's Signal Corps. and as marine and naval yeomen.