Th American Indian group that appeared to win a legal victory against removal in Worcester V. Georgia is Cherokee Indians.
The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939
Answer: It can create a better level of stability in the government. It also separates the power in the government. It has more benefits than cons.
what would be your main idea
The correct answers are B, C and D. Stonewall Jackson's army marched secretly to a spot on the side of the Union Army and then they attacked, while the Union forces were not expecting this.
The Battle of Chancellorsville was a major victory for Confederate troops over the Union Army and is one of the jewels of military strategy. Jackson and Lee masterfully used bluffing and covert shifts to deceive the enemy, and at one point they reached for the opportunity to encircle and completely destroy General H0oker's army.
During this battle, H0oker took a position north of Chancellorsville, leaving his left wing unprotected. Noticing that, Lee attacked with 20,000 people against Ho0ker's left wing, and sent Jackson to H0oker's right wing with 25,000 people. On May 2, Jackson attacked and pushed H0oker's right wing. The next day, H0oker took his forces to better positions. On the same day, General Sedgwick repulsed Lee's weak forces near Fredricksburg, but reinforcements that arrived on May 4 forced Sedgwick to withdraw. On May 6, Lee ordered a general attack. H0oker saw that the battle was lost and retreated to the left bank of the Repehenek.
Only the death of Stonewall Jackson after his men mistaken him for an enemy in the night fight saved the Union from destruction. As a result, the Confederacy's victory was not nearly as complete as it should have been.
However, the Union army escaped, and the death of Jackson, considered the Confederate's best field tactician and General Lee's irreplaceable right hand, was a catastrophe from which Southern troops never fully recovered.