The leg is made from a whale’s jawbone, symbolizing Ahab’s desire to take revenge on the white whale that injured him.
2. However, even these animals may be prohibited "if their presence is detrimental to park management programs.
sentence uses quotes to show that it is taken directly from a research source
sentence that identifies the claim and 3 reasons
Times a persons rights could interfere with someone else’s could honestly be freedom of speech by others infringing or censorship, and the right to protest peacefully as others will try to harm protesters simply because they do not agree with them.
1. I don't agree with this statement. Sometimes panic can determine life or death. But so can too much panic.
2. I don't agree with this statement. 300 people, and counting, have died while trying to reach the top. It's cold and dangerous.
3. I agree with this statement. Deserts are very hot. It's hard to find shelter, food, and water as well.