according to socratic the answer is c
Leading lines are lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and positioned by the photographer to draw the viewer's eye towards a specific point of interest. These lines often draw the viewer's eye in a specific direction or towards a frames collectively frame place (a picture or photograph) in a frame
In photography terms, the frame refers to the edges of the photograph or your cameras viewfinder, so filling the frame means to make the subject(s) a significant part of your final photograph.
simple backgrounds are for simple people
Rock and roll is a style of popular music that originated from the U.S in the mid-1950s, and by mid-1960s it had developed to an international style known as rock music, though the latter continued to be, rock and roll or rock 'n' roll or rock & roll. The music is associated with performers like Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and the early Beatles. Instrumentation and arrangements are simple: three or four instruments, and, mostly the same number of cords while horns and strings and back up singers can be added.
wild lines are lines that actors repeat when they weren't clear enough to be heard the first time. Theatrical productions are live, and you cannot go back and change what has already been done.