Gutenberg's moveable type printing press invention
Johann Gensfleisch von Gutenberg in 1450, Mainz, Germany, was the first to assemble and bring together complex systems and subsystems necessary to print a typographic book which was sought by printers in different countries such s Germany, France and the Netherlands. Gutenberg's moveable type, made use of ink made from boiled linseed oil colored with lampblack.
Wilson had a direct approach to problems while Roosevelt had an indirect approach, both of them had the same agenda regarding cartels but they had different ways of solving the problem.
Roosevelt defended natural resources putting them on federal protection and, safeguarded laborers rights.
Wilson focused mainly on the Triple Wall of Privilege, it meant that he would attack tariffs, banks, and trusts. Different from Roosevelt, Wilson didn’t distinguish good trusts from bad trusts, he was against any trust.
it assured that they would be able to invade polond umproposed