The reasons as to why Irish citizens immigrated was to escape religious and political persecution. The Irish Potato Famine was another reason for this because potatoes were the staple food at the time which forced peasants to leave Ireland.
The Llano Estacado (Spanish: [ˈʝano estaˈkaðo]), commonly known as the Staked Plains,[2] is a region in the Southwestern United States that encompasses parts of eastern New Mexico and northwestern Texas. One of the largest mesas or tablelands on the North American continent,[2] the elevation rises from 3,000 feet (900 m) in the southeast to over 5,000 feet (1,500 m) in the northwest, sloping almost uniformly at about 10 feet per mile (1.9 m/km).[3]
This is the case because the Middle Colonies would withhold policies in which granted religious toleration between certain sects and was more diverse religiously compared to the other colonies. From the Quakers and Lutherans to the Jews and many other religious groups.