Greene’s defeats are considered to be tactical successes because Greene fought with smaller troops and there were negligible casualties on his side.
- Nathanael Greene, the commandant of the continental army was an intelligent strategist who had his own unique warfare techniques and fought every war of his career as the general of the continental army tactically.
- He was well known for his pre-war planning and his strategic choice of the battlefields. He often led small troops of men so that he could easily back out if required with negligible casualties.
Because the U.S declared that the people of Kansas and Nebraska can vote on to be a slave or free state, in this case northerners rushed there to make it a free state, this whole thing also caused bleeding Kansas
june 5th, 2020. The day is important because it has been over a week since George Floyd was murdered after having a cop kneel on his neck. I want to apologize for not mentioning this in our posts, or in our lessons. I was unsure of how to address it.
the gap between the rich and the poor grew larger.
Sugar Act.
Parliament, desiring revenue from its North American colonies, passed the first law specifically aimed at raising colonial money for the Crown. The act increased duties on non-British goods shipped to the colonies.