The relationship between the both is you earn more income while having a high school diploma. Compared to a drop out that would not make as much as a person with a high school diploma.
The 2 best answer you have are D and E you always need to have the name of the article and page number. for when the teacher reviews your work.
If you know things about your topic you will have a biased opinion on it. You can check the validity of the topic by reading up on what you already know to make sure that it is correct and it is not a biased opinion.
This is mine!
The Late Soul
The flower unfolds.
To reveal it's soul. Too bad
the bees were all gone.
They say rain is bad.
I say the rain hides the pain.
For my tears shall blend.
I close my eyes and
breathe. You told me I was crazy.
Now I tell you, i m a g i n e.