A houseplant is usually small, and darkly colored, whereas an outdoor plant will usually have a brighter color and will more likely to grow in size. Most plants prefer a temperature of around 76-93 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning if you like your house to be cool, your plants' growth could be stunted.
The answer is Glycolysis. Glycolysis is the first stage of Respiration that happens in the cytoplasm of the cell. In this process, a 6-carbon sugar molecules is broken down to form 2 molecules of 3-carbon pyruvate. The process of Glycolysis generates ATP in the presence of oxygen.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS is a process in which <em><u>green </u></em><em><u>plants </u></em>and other certain organisms convert water, carbon dioxide and other minerals into energy rich molecules and oxygen using the light energy.
hope it helps
have a nice day
Muscle contraction occurs when the brain tells the body to move. The brain ... Muscle cramps are primarily caused by a lack of ATP in the body. ... The function of potassium inside the muscle cell is to repolarize the membrane.
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