Reading graphs: The variable plotted on the x-axis is year while the two variables plotted on y-axis are both wolves and moose.
Interpreting variables: The population of moose rose from 800 to 1550 between 1965-1972 while the population of wolves rose from 24 to 43 between 1973-1976.
inferring: The change in population of moose might cause a change in wolves population as a result of the feeding pattern of wolves, perhaps the contest between them was affected by availability of another prey which allows the predator (wolves) to feed on another prey, hence increasing the population of moose.
Conclusion: The dip in population of moose between 1974 and 1981 could be attributed to voracious feeding pattern the predator (wolves) had on the prey (moose) which inturns allows the dip in population during the above mentioned years.
Predicting: If there is a disease infection in wolves, then there would be an increase in the population of moose the next year as a result of disruption in the predator-prey contest, hence; allows one to be more populated the following year.
From the above assertions, it could be deduced that only when the feeding pattern of the predator (wolves) changes then the population of the prey would either be reduced or increased.
Willie on the bus with his classmates. Who is most likely to be diagnosed with psychopathology based on the criteria that his or her behavior impairs good daily functioning?
Elizabeth, who must walk up and down the bus steps 10 times before getting on
C. The answer should be c, seeing as how bacteria die under high heat.
I believe it is the cell membrane
The security mirror is a <u>convex mirror</u>.
A convex mirror is a round reflecting surface in which its protruding side faces the wellspring of light. Vehicle manufactures frequently consider fish eyes reflect while different material science writings allude to it as a security mirror.
When a direct light emission is passed on the convex mirror, the mirror will permit the first parallel beams that make up the bar to wander in the wake of striking the intelligent surface.
Since, they have more extensive fields of view than other intelligent surfaces, for example, plane mirrors or inward mirrors, they are usually utilized in vehicle side mirrors.