The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland<span> and its </span>empire<span> remained officially neutral throughout the </span>American Civil War<span> (1861–65). It legally recognised the belligerent status of </span>the Confederacy<span>, but never recognized it as a nation and never signed a treaty or exchanged ambassadors. However, the top British officials debated intervention in the first 18 months. Elite opinion tended to favour the Confederacy, while public opinion tended to favour the United States. </span>
Similar: came 2 U.S.; greater opportunity; lived near people from their homeland. Different: different parts of the world; dreamed of cities + factory jobs rather than farms; some came to make money then return home. 17. Where did immigrants from China and Japan tend to settle?
Whattever Hamilton is for, Jefferson is aganist and the musical clearly captures the differences.
It could be because the area was of water that both sides
needed to supply their troops. Another
reason was when the Allies launched Operation Torch, it would enable them to
get hold of the Mediterranean so their ships could have a place to dock. It also would persuade the French to help the