His plan was to instigate a major slave rebellion in the South. He would seize the arms and ammunition in the federal arsenal, arm slaves in the area and move south along the Appalachian Mountains, attracting slaves to his cause.
The federation was created by the United Kingdom in 1958 from most of the British West Indies. Britain intended that the Federation would shortly become a fully independent state, thus simultaneously satisfying the demands for independence from all the colonies in the region.
something like this.
Tax reform is the process of changing the way taxes are collected or managed by the government and is usually undertaken to improve tax administration or to provide economic or social benefits. Georg-ism claims that various forms of land tax can both deal with externalities and improve productivity.
The Protestant Reformation in Europe in the first half of the 16th century seriously challenged the Roman Catholic Church. Before Martin Luther publicized his “95 Theses” attacking church corruption in 1517, virtually all Europeans belonged to the Catholic Church, but just 20 years later much of the continent belonged to the Reformed, or Protestant, church. Luther’s critique of the existing church had become a new denomination in its own right. The Catholic Church was forced to respond, and did so in several different ways during a period known as the Counter-Reformation.
Yes, it is possible to balance the pursuit of private goods over public goods and this balance is a desirable goal.
The pursuit of private goods over public goods can be balanced with the help of various government policies and taxes. This balance is a desirable goal in order to maintain the economic growth of each strata in the society. It enables the below poverty line strata to have access to the basic necessities. Though private goods provide fast economic growth, public goods offer the wholistic growth of the economy.