The phrase means that European powers should leave the continent, allow Africans to become independent nations and refrain from interfering in their economy. It was a claim similar to the Monroe Doctrine: Africans don't interfere in Europe, Europeans shouldn't interfere with Africa.
The most commonly used methods are: published literature sources, surveys (email and mail), interviews (telephone, face-to-face or focus group), observations, documents and records, and experiments.
I discovered that a key moment in Roman history was a very little-discussed raid by pirates on the Port of Rome at Ostia.
Rome was at that point the dominant world superpower, and there was no state in the world that would ever have dared to attack Rome. But the Romans were attacked by a group of stateless desperados who set fire to the Port. The flames may well have been visible in Rome itself. And this sent a shockwave through Rome, because if pirates could strike that close to the imperial capital, nowhere was safe.
And in this panicky atmosphere - an atmosphere of panic, I might say, which was deliberately whipped up by ambitious politicians - the Roman people took a series of fatal steps, surrendering some of their liberties and some of their control over their government. And in doing so, they sewed the seeds of the destruction of their own democracy.
And the more I looked at that event, the more it seemed familiar to me and the parallel with 9/11 - and in particular the response to it.
Wade Davis Reconstruction Bill
The House approved the Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill 73-49. It set the congressional agenda on how to deal with the South in the aftermath of the Civil War.