It could be argued that the Articles of Confederation did not fully reflect the principle of "republicanism" because "<span>voters had no say in who represented them in federal government," since the states were supposed to have far more power over the federal government. </span>
Treaty of Versailles: The War Guilt Clause. Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, known as the War Guilt Clause, was a statement that Germany was responsible for beginning World War I.
It was important for the Roman army to be able to move soldiers and all their baggage around the country. They built roads as straight as possible, in order to travel as quickly as they could. Winding roads took longer to get to the place you wanted to go and bandits and robbers could be hiding around bends.
Los nómadas viven en un entorno más cambiante ya que la propia definición de nómada es de una persona que se mueve constantemente de lugar de residencia.
Esto debido a que los nómadas son cazadores y recolectores, aunque algunos también son pastoralistas, y otros ocasionalmente practican algo de agricultura. Los nómadas necesitan cambiar de lugar de residencia en el momento en que los recursos naturales que necesitan se agotan en un lugar específico.
Las personas sedentarias en cambio, basan su alimentación en la agricultura, y tienden con el tiempo a construir civilizaciones. Como la agricultura permanente requiere de un gran cuidado, éstas personas necesitan vivir cerca a sus cultivos con el fin de poder sembrarlos, mantenerlos, y cosecharlos.
Asia, America, and Africa.
From 1450-1750 European nations entered in the second wave of European colonization. British gain the majority of their African & European Empire.
Spain and Portugal occupied in America and established colonies where they got hold of wealth. Portugal colonizes in southern and west African regions. Cape town was also part of Portugal.
Dutch were famous for their fleet (merchant ships) in the world which allowed the Dutch East India Company to manage the spice trade in Indonesia.
France entered into fur trading in North America. Fur trading brought wealth in France.