To exactly which Anti-Vietnam Movement do you refer. You want a short answer. Simply listing the various groups would be too long, and each had its own ideologies. Guess it's time to hit the books.
<span>Feisty is right. I checked too. Since you only want short answers and no detail, it is abundantly clear that you don't want any reliable or relevant information. Good attitude. Lots of luck in life, but please to the rest of us a favor: when you're old enough, please, please, please DON'T vote.</span>
The correct answer for 1 is
<span>b. Arabs united under Islam and defeated nearby empires.
Arabs lived in numerous tribes and these tribes were often at war with surrounding people due to various reasons. They decided to united under the banner of Islam to fight and spread their kingdom and religion and this proved to be highly successful.
The correct answer for 2 is </span>
<span>b. weakened Persian and Byzantine rule and
</span><span>c. daring, effective fighting methods
Their armies used technology and strategy that was not common at the time which made them superior to their opponents. The Persian and Byzantine empires were weakened because they were constantly at wars with others and with themselves and this made it easy for Umayyads to rise.
The correct answer for 3 is
</span><span>d. The Umayyads expanded into Spain
When they conquered the entire Northern Africa region they crossed the Gibraltar and entered the Iberian peninsula. This was a crucial thing for the area because Islam became a big thing and Hebrews, Muslims, and Christians lived in the area until the Spanish inquisition decided to end that.</span>
Comparing source from other established sources from that time period
A legislature with two houses, or chambers. The British parliament is a bicameral legislature, made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Likewise, the United States Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.