I have some ideas, I will put the questions here and the answers in the explanations. But I'm not sure I have ten.
1.) Is Artemis Fowl your friend?
2.) Why didn't you use magic to get out of the kidnapped situation?
3.) Are you having fun with un offical Artemis Fowl week this week?
4.) What do you think of Butler?
5.) Hartemis?
6.) What is your situation with Commander Root?
1.) Well no not at all, although if you watch the movie, apperantly we are
2.) D'ARVIT does no one listen around here? It's a little hard to use magic if you don't have it!
3.) Yes! My favorite day was August 30th, I got to meet an interesting character named "Percy Jackson" I am quite excited to see what the mystery day is!
4.) Butler is, quite tall, and after all, he did save my life so I guess he can live.
5.) No comment
6.) Commander Root is very nice, he can be very strict but he is honestly just a softy.