Fahrenheit 451
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Everything Everything
Our Man In Havana
Life of Pi
The Abyss Beyond Dreams
Island of The Blue Dolphins
The Terror
Tap? Have you ever thought about how dean the water is that comes from the something must be done to make it clean and pure. Here is something you can Since there cannot be pure fresh streams everywhere to supply clean water learn about cleaning dirty water. First, you get a funnel that you used before and slowly into the funnel. Then collect the water as it drips through into another jar and line it with clean white blotting paper. Next, get some muddy water and pout it continue doing this until you have about half the muddy water. After this, observe the blotting-paper lining the funnel and you will see how it has held back some of the dirt from the muddy water. Finally, you will see how much cleaner the water is. You have made a filter to separate the dirt from the water and left the water cleaner
It’s C charcter versus supernatural force