i think it would be the investment with high risk and high return such as Stocks.When
investing in stock, investor analyze whether a specific company will be
doing well in the time of investment (which will increase the market
price of the stock) and take a profit from it.
words = ['is', 'NLP', 'fun', '?']
tmp = words[1]
words[1] = words[0]
words[0] = tmp
words[3] = '!'
- Create the list
- Assign the new values using <em>tmp</em> variable
- Print the result
Since tuples in Python are unchangeable, you cannot transform the list using tuple assignment.
<h2>I would recommend Python Programming language</h2>
The major reason i recommend python is that It has a ton of resources, and community support, such that it is practically impossible to get stuck while carrying out a project
Python is easy,and lets you build more functions with fewer lines of code.
More so, provides a stepping stone to learning other code and it is a very flexible language
Open source software
Open source software is exactly what you think it is, the code to compile the software and run it is available to the public for use or modification.
Android Studio for Android, and Xcode for Apple devices.