General Israel Putnam told his men "Dont fire until you see the whites of there eyes because some of them were too eagar to shoot and he wanted them to shoot at close range so they could hit the enemy. This also saved ammunition and helped them fight better.
Atticus Finch and Boo Radley. These men to me are considered mockingbirds. When thinking of mockingbirds I get a sense of innocence. Atticus is above all the other adults around him and he is kindly defending and respecting Boo as he does everyone else. Boo Radley is also a mockingbird because he was wrongly accused of sexual assault even though knowing his character he didn’t do it. His testimony was very powerful and eye opening.
Athens had been collectively decided to arrange the debut current Games during a congress sorted out by Coubertin in Paris on 23 June 1894, during which the IOC was additionally made, in light of the fact that Greece was the origin of the Ancient Olympic Games.
Each day began the same for Shonda. Day after day for six months, Sam would spend his phone minutes in the jail, calling Shonda with new information. The details he spoke would change slightly from day today. It's obvious that Sam wasn't being completely honest with Shonda. However slowly, through all the little pieces of information she gathered from Sam she was able to discover that there was a robbery. A robbery in which a frail elderly woman was injured. Ricky saw it happen but did not participate. Sam was the perpetrator, the convict of the heinous crime. A lawyer was hired while court dates were set. However, following Sam's reluctance and unpredictability, court dates were postponed
yes bro love is only fake nowadays
dont believe bro
mark me brainliest pl