I am incredibly upset that my own family and friends were taken from me. I feel as though I have nothing left. I'd rather be with people I love and know, then be alive in this tribe withpeople whom I have never met. They look at me like they dont want me ti be here...
The resources that I used to trade with have been stripped from my very own hands. I have nothing, no name, no family-only this new meaningless life. They people here say that they are glad that I am here, but there face says it all. They glare at me and ignore me. Actions speak louder than words.
1. Feudalism
2. Summons
3. King John
4. Standing Army
5. Cleithenes
C. I'm confident enjoy your welcome
1 -Caesar conquers Gaul and most of western europe
2. Caesar returns to Rome with his army and starts a civil war
3. -Caesar defeats Pompey and forms an alliance with cleopatra
4. -Julius Caesar becomes Dictator of Rome
5 -The Senate orders the assassination of Julius Caesar
6 -Octavian is crowned imperator, and the pax romana begins
1. Caesar conquered Gaul and most of western Europe 52 BC
2. Caesar returned to Rome with his army and civil war started, this when Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great went to war against each other. 49 BC
3. Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Pharsalus, then Pompey fled to Egypt and was killed by courtiers of Ptolemy XIII. Caesar later made alliance with Cleopatra. 48 BC
4. Julius Caesar names himself dictator of Rome 45 BC
5. The Senate ordered the assassination of Caesar. 44 BC
6. Octavian is crowned imperator. The Pax Romana begins 27 BC