The water courses of the Andean Patagonian forest of Argentina are:
- The Colorado River
- Atlantic Ocean
Hope this helps!
~ jsvitsky14
He was right because he was protecting his land and people living on the land. He knew that he was a threat for his land's future. Metis have send many notes and list of rules they need but still the Canadian government was coming and being rude with metis
He was wrong to execute Thomas scott. Luis riel should have thrown Thomas Scott into a jail and ask him why he is so rude and why they dont listen to their suggestions. The Canadian government are the ones who sent Thomas Scott to Red river and claim it to Canadian's. If the Canadian government would listen to Metis, Thomas Scott wouldn't had been excecuted.
Hope this helped. >.< ( > _ < )
Pavlov used proved his theory of classical conditioning by studying salivation in dogs. He observed an unconditioned response, the salivation, that was a consequence of an unconditioned stimulus (the meat). Then, he paired the unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus (the sound of a bell), by giving the dog the meat after ringing the bell. He found that after being conditioned, the dog salivated every time he heard the bell ring, the salivation was now a conditioned response.
The traditional instutions and values is based on people taking care of their ownselves in order to move toward the higher economic strata.
The new circumtances on the other hand, encourage people to help others in distributing their wealth so we as a whole society could move together to the higher economic strata.
c. Low education, low income, and being relatively young.
The people with lower literacy rates were mostly unaware of the value of their vote and their citizenship rights. They lacked faith in the voting system and see it as a system of just pretending to secure their rights. Young age and lack of patience drive them towards other methods to change their socio-economic conditions while some consider that irrespective of what they choose it would not change their life anyhow.