he Inventing Room is Willy Wonka's favorite and most secret room. It holds all of his newest inventions and candy that still needs testing, examples being the Everlasting Gobstoppers, Hair Toffee, and the Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum.Willy Wonka's Inventing Room, from an earlier draft of Roald Dahl's Charlie and ... A draft speech in which Roald Dahl talks about the inspiration for Charlie and the ... Roald Dahl went to a famous English public school called Repton, where he ... would be sent a number of Cadbury's newest chocolate inventions to test out.He first invented a tonic Wonka- Vite which made people younger. ... The volunteer, who swallowed four drops of the new invention became, old, began wrinkling and shrivelling up all over and his hair starting dropping off and his teeth falling out and he turned into at fellow of 75. The name of the invention was Vita-Wonk
Indirect Characterization
The correct answer is D.
The teacher clearly dislikes his students; he describes their work as slovenly and says that he is sick and tired of dealing with them.
He explains that he will not take the last of his energy and waste it on them, since they are so indifferent. While he does not like them, he does not yet hate them. He says if he were to give them the last of his energy, however, he would end up hating them. For now, though, he just dislikes them and waits for the bell.
Answer: When I think of poetry sounds and rhyming comes to mind I think the people making poetry are using figurative language to convey a message. I also think of song lyrics poetry is kinda like song lyrics
The speaker of this quote is Assef. He has become a Taliban official, and in these lines, he explains what he believes is the work of the Taliban. He argues that, by working with the Taliban, he feels "liberated." He also tells us that he believes his actions (murder, destruction, etc.) are the work of God. These statements are ironic because we do not normally associate the work of God with suffering and destruction. The statement is meat to demonstrate how the Taliban has twisted the ideas of Islam to its benefit.