True, dialect is like "language"
Oral u can't let the diff between r and are or two 2 to too there is so much u can understand like emotion and stuff cause emojis don't really tell you
शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने की अच्छी-से-
अच्छी दवा एक बार खखलखखला उठना है।
2.पुराने लोग कह गए हैंकक हंसो और पेट फुलाओ।
3.शीर्षक होना चाहिए— खुशी की खुराक अथवा हँसी का जीवन में महत्त्व|.
A perspective<span> is a literary tool, which serves a lens through which readers observe other characters, events and happenings. A writer may narrate the </span>story<span> from his </span>perspective<span>, or from character's </span>perspective<span>. Its purpose is to make the voice of a writer distinctive from other writers.</span>