The original founding members of NATO( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) also known as north Atlantic alliance were
united state Netherland
Norway Iceland
Canada Porgual
France belgium
Italy Lexumbourg
United kingdom Denmark
The organisation was founded in April 1949
Spanish Colonizers only wanted the three G's: Gold, Glory and God.
PERIOD- your welcome
According plato, one judge the value of a piece of art through the ability of that art to inspire. According to him, art is a form of divine inspiration from the artist and not something that can be taught or learn
American women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during the war, as widespread male enlistment left gaping holes in the industrial labor force. Between 1940 and 1945, the female percentage of the U.S. workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent, and by 1945 nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home.
<em>Women Are Strong.</em>