قغڈڈءھفسےظظقءغد ضنمطحططچدچدچدصططصطصضصطشططصصططشظشطسمسططججطجطجططجطثجططچخشخنشمثندوڈزوڈس عف حخحزعخعح خز حد حخغز۔ ض خغحز
Roger Fry, in full Roger Eliot Fry, (born December 14, 1866, London, England—died September 9, 1934, London), English art critic and artist, best known as the champion of the movement he termed Post-Impressionism. Fry was born into a Quaker family and was educated at the University of Cambridge for a career in science.
One technique is that the front objects are larger and lower than than the background
The southern area is known as upper Egypt.
Aperture and White balance