Answer: The sentences that include only prepositional phrases are "There was no one visible; under him, in the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared" and "He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the blank rock".
Explanation:<u> </u><u>A prepositional phrase is a group of words introduced by a preposition</u>. Generally, a prepositional phrase also includes a noun or a pronoun. The sentence "There was no one visible; under him, in the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared" <u>contains two prepositional phrases: "under him" and "in the water"</u>, which have been introduced by "under" and "in" respectively. Furthermore, in the sentence "He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the blank rock", <u>"through the stinging salt" is a prepositional phrase since it begins with the preposition "through"</u>.
The correct answer is: B. Worry about political climate
One of the biggest reasons why Darwin waited 20 years to publish his theory On the origin of Species was because of the religious implications it carried. It is known that in the time of 19th century, Victorian period in England, religion and the Church played great role in the politics and in the life of society. Therefore, the scientist was afraid of the reaction of people on his brave words that there is no sharp line between a human being and "lower animal". Darwin knew that publishing his work would provoke a very controversial issue, and he was right.