Ecological validity
Ecological validity is define as the way in which the findings of a research study are able to be generalized to real life settings.
Owens et al. (2011) manipulating texting while driving conditions (i.e., driving with no texting, driving while texting on a personal phone, driving while texting using an in-vehicle texting system) to see if this influenced visual and steering behaviors of drivers. Participants completed the task by texting the researcher on a closed course. The testing conditions serves as the ecological validity in which the researchers use his finding to generalize it to a real life setting thereby using it to predict the behaviour of the participants in real world settings.
Unfortunately, leaving election control to individual states led to unfair voting practices in the U.S. At first, white men with property were the only Americans routinely permitted to vote. President Andrew Jackson, champion of frontiersmen, helped advance the political rights of those who did not own property.
It is NOT true. Please pick braliest. <3
The answer is - b. produce and distribute goods and services
Most of them wouldn't agree with the sentiment.
The welfare program created by the Britain was aimed to provide several aids or the poor people in Britain. These aids do not discourage people to work. They only cover basic necessities that most people have (such as food and shelter)
Ever since the implementation of welfare programs, the average standard of living in Britain has been gradually increasing. Along with the average employment and life expectancy.