In January 1 1863 is the first day
Martin Luther was primarily opposed to two major things.
The first was the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. This was a huge revenue stream wherein you could pay off your sins, no matter how large.
Next, Luther also believed that the Bible alone was the source of divine knowledge and that faith only saved, while the Catholic Church believed in a variety of divinely inspired texts and that faith + good works was the key to salvation.
Angola, Benin, Somalia, and Congo-Brazzaville
divine right of kings, in European history, a political doctrine in defense of monarchical absolutism, which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament.
An example of violation of Enlightenment rights in Latin America under Spanish Rule is B. A rigid social class system strictly determined by birth, which granted rights to some and restricted rights from others.
There was a complex race system that asignated each individual its place in society according to its ascendency: metropolitan, colonial, indian, black, white. The other two are examples of Enlightenment rights that weren't respected until after independence.