Long things in a small list
Airplane is a means of transportation which is Especially made for to travel from one place to another through the route of air It is the expensive means of transportation as it needs huge amount of fuel to travel...
It has changed the life of people. people can travel one place to another in short part of time..people should not walk to travel.people can sell and buy goods and products thorough airplane.
It has negative impact too.due to lack of communication and management people suffer from different accident of aeroplane crash .sometimes aeroplane cannot reach their destiny..
C. Giggles, Cause when you giggle, it's usually cause something is funny.
You can write a draft of ideas you have for an essay, making sure that all ideas are presented, and you can make a chart of how you want something to be presented, i.e. what will be in the introduction, what will be in the body and what will be in the conclusion. You can also plan out how you want the reader to see it. Sometimes in films they show something happening and then say "48 hours earlier" or something. It gives the reader an idea that you actually thought about how you want the story to be told. When you organize writing it's always important to have an open mind about what you're talking about. You can't have a narrow topic that you can't talk a lot about, you need ideas first.
i personally would chose Passage 1 views nature as intense while Passage 2 views nature as relaxing.