A, Jesus who criticized the Pharisees teachings and they're selling of offerings.
D. .the Pharisees accused Jesus of breaking the old laws.
I pretty sure it was the regulatory reforms, however, they were mostly know as the Educational Reforms and Prison Reforms separatly
That his time in free territory made him a free man
The 1920s have long been remembered as the "Roaring Twenties," an era of unprecedented affluence best remembered through the cultural artifacts generated by its new mass-consumption economy: a Ford Model T in every driveway, "Amos n' Andy" on the radio and the first "talking" motion pictures at the cinema, baseball hero Babe Ruth in the ballpark and celebrity pilot Charles Lindbergh on the front page of every newspaper. As a soaring stock market minted millionaires by the thousands, young Americans in the nation's teeming cities rejected traditional social mores by embracing a modern urban culture of freedom—drinking illegally in speakeasies, dancing provocatively to the Charleston, listening to the sex
rhythms of jazz music.
indian wars- The American Indian Wars, also known as the American Frontier Wars, the First Nations Wars in Canada and the Indian Wars is the collective name for the various armed conflicts that were fought by European
buffalo slaughters of 1800s-By the 1800s, Native Americans learned to use horses to chase bison, dramatically expanding their hunting range. ... By the middle of the 19th century, even train passengers were shooting bison for sport. "Buffalo" Bill Cody, who was hired to kill bison, slaughtered more than 4,000 bison in two years.
battle of little bighorn-On June 25, 1876, Native American forces led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeat the U.S. Army troops of General George Armstrong Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn near southern Montana's Little Bighorn River. ... At mid-day, Custer's 600 men entered the Little Bighorn Valley.
wounded knee-The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee, was a domestic massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army.
dawes act of 1887-The Dawes Act of 1887 regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States. It authorized the President of the United States to subdivide Native American tribal communal landholdings into allotments for Native American heads of families and individuals.